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More Enhancements to our Database of Judges — Texas and New York

Michael Lissner

In April, we shared that we added more than 1,400 California judges to our extensive database of judges. Today we're back to share that we have expanded the database once more. Thanks to the generous support of Pre/Dicta, Inc., we have added over 1,000 judges from state courts in New York and Texas.

In Texas, we believe this is every active judge from the District Courts, Supreme Court, and Court of Appeals. In New York we collected every active judge from the Supreme Courts, County Courts, Appellate Divisions, and Court of Appeals.

Unlike most other judge databases, ours contains structured, machine-readable data. This makes it a treasure trove for researchers and data wonks. Rather than having paragraphs of biographical information about judges, our data is available via our bulk data files and judge APIs. You can use this data to research judges by positions they've held in public or private practice, where they went to school, who appointed them, and much more.

We believe that this open database of judges is a one-of-a-kind reference. All of this information has existed in various proprietary sources before now, but never as open, machine-readable data.

We have been working on this database for many years now, and it has received support from a variety of sources. For now, this project is paused once again while we look for more partners or grants to continue its maintenance and expansion. If you think you might be interested in making it better, deeper, or broader, get in touch.

We'd love to talk.

Learn More About the Database

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