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Free Law Project Memberships are Launched

Michael Lissner and Jenifer Whiston

As Free Law Project grows, some of the old ways we've done things need to change and mature. Today we have made such a change so that many of our supporters and donors are now Free Law Project members.

Before today, the way to receive benefits, like more and faster court alerts, was to sign up as a monthly donor to Free Law Project. That worked OK, but memberships should be a better fit: Memberships mean benefits.

A few things to note as we make this change:

  1. We plan to give Free Law Project swag to our higher-tier members starting soon. Finally!

  2. The lowest membership tier is ten dollars per month.

    If you were previously a monthly donor, we have automatically made you a Free Law Project member at whatever rate you were previously paying. Welcome! This means everything will just keep working as it did before.

  3. This change is powered by a new membership and payment platform. This gives us easier payments, better compliance, and a donor portal where you can see your donations and memberships.

    Note that this means the receipts we send and your credit card statements may change slightly.

  4. If you prefer to make a recurring or one-time donation instead of being a member, you can do that too. Thank you — it helps!

Hopefully that should be it, but if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to let us know. We're excited about this change, and we hope all our supporters will be too.

Finally, if you're not a member already, we hope you'll consider signing up!

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