Support Free Law Project
Free Law Project works to make the legal system better. We advocate for more transparency in the judicial branch and create innovative legal research tools in support of legal practitioners, researchers, journalists and the public. You can read more about our mission and history, and our tax returns are available for public inspection.
Free Law Project:
Hosts CourtListener, which hosts over half a billion legal records and sends thousands of alerts each day.
Sponsors the RECAP Suite, which surfaces thousands of documents from the federal courts each day.
Runs, host of the Big Cases Twitter and Mastodon bots, which keep the public posted about big and small federal cases as they break.
Is building a collection of every American legal decision, because if you don't know how the laws are interpreted, you don't know what the laws are.
Hosts a one-of-a-kind database with more than 250,000 pages of judicial financial records.
Hosts the largest archive of oral argument audio in the world, so you can hear what it's really like in the courthouse.
Provides APIs and bulk data to researchers, journalists, and other organizations, spuring and streamlining legal innovation.
Maintains a database of machine-readable information about thousands of judges.
These initiatives have contributed in numerous ways to a more informed citizenry and a more fair justice system. With your support, we will expand these systems and our impact.
Please support our work with a tax-deductible donation today.