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We're Gathering Court System Contracts in the Largest States

Michael Lissner and Colin MacArthur

We're starting by publishing the proposals, justifications and contracts for Texas’ $98 million eFiling project.

In our research about court filing systems, we heard over and over again that software vendors have enormous power to make (or break) the systems used by litigants and court staff.

As we continue our research, we want to learn as much as possible about the existing systems. How much do these websites cost? What features do they have? What kinds of covenants do courts agree to when making these massive deals?

To answer these and other questions, we are requesting procurement documents from state courts. We're beginning with the five biggest states and will make additional requests until we've learned all we can from these documents.

As you would expect, we’re uploading the responses to a new page on our site so the entire community can benefit:

View the Documents

To start, we’re publishing documents related to the Texas Office of Court Administration’s $98 million contract with Tyler Technologies. According to their press release, this was the largest contract in Tyler’s corporate history, but Texas has signed an agreement with Tyler to keep the pricing details of their contract secret — you can see the redacted document at the link above.

We’re just getting started. We’ll continue to request similar documents from California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Florida court administrators. As we get them, we’ll post them at the same page.

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